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25 ristoranti disponibili nelle vicinanze

Foto del ristorante 夏慕尼 新香榭鉄板燒 台北忠孝東店
Prezzo: caro
• French • Da'an District
Prenotato 2 volte oggi
大膽顛覆傳統鐵板燒的老式印象,將法式料理及Lounge Bar時尚元素融入鐵板料理。設計出一道道精緻美味的餐點,營造獨特迷人的法式鐵板饗宴。
Foto del ristorante JK STUDIO 法式餐酒館 台北信義店
Prezzo: caro
• French • Distretto di Xinyi
(如遇國定假⽇、彈性放假、特殊節⽇會再另⾏公告調整)午餐11:30-15:00(14:00 Last Order)晚餐17:30-22:00(20:30 Last Order) 週日~週四 17:30-22:00(21:00 Last Order)週五~週六*平日11:30-13:30提供商業套餐
*謝絕外食、飲料 (提供寄冰生日蛋糕服務)。

*每人最低消費:$600 / 位
*未滿12歲以下之幼兒童低消:$300 / 位

午餐時段:6-8人包廂 $12000+10% 12-16人包廂 $24000+10%晚餐時段:6-8人包廂 $20000+10% 
*平日中午 $40000起
*平日晚上 $50000起
*週五晚上 $60000起
*假日中午 $60000起
*假日晚上 $80000起

葡萄酒$500 / 750ml瓶
烈酒$800 / 750ml瓶
Foto del ristorante de nuit
Prezzo: molto caro
• French • Da'an District
Prenotato 1 volta oggi
在您訂位之前,我們希望您能先了解 de nuit 的用餐規定,感謝您的配合與理解。***因考量主廚菜單原創性與完整的用餐體驗,我們無法提供特定的客製化餐食(如素食、蛋奶素、五辛素、海鮮素、無乳製品、無麩質、不食海鮮或肉類等)。訂位時敬請評估自身的飲食需求,以確保能享受最佳的用餐體驗。我們對此深感抱歉,感謝您的理解。***|餐廳資訊|・營業時間: 每週二至週六 18:00-22:30,最後入座時間為 19:30 每週五至週六 11:30-15:00,最後入座時間為 12:15・公休日:週日及週一,如有特別調整,將於 Inline 訂位系統上開放日期為準・聯絡電話:02-2700-1958,服務時間:週二至週六 15:00-17:30・官方信箱:・訂位方式:每月 1 日中午 12:00 開放當月及次月訂位|菜單與 Pairing|・午間套餐:NT$3,980/位・晚間套餐:NT$5,480/位・水資:NT$180/瓶(瓶裝礦泉水或氣泡水)午餐搭配:・Sommelier's Selection 3杯:NT$1,500・Non-Alcohol Creation 3杯:NT$1,000晚餐搭配:・Sommelier Selection 6杯(滿杯):NT$3,200・Sommelier Selection 6杯(半杯):NT$2,200・Non-Alcohol Creation 6杯:NT$1,800*低消為每人一份套餐*所有消費皆需外加10%服務費*為確保餐點最佳品質,餐廳有權依季節或食材供應調整菜單,以當日提供為準|訂位須知|・我們僅接受官網 inline 連結的線上訂位,恕不接受電話、簡訊、社交平台私訊等其他管道訂位,亦無第三方訂位服務。・訂位時需輸入信用卡綁定(暫不支援美國運通卡綁定功能)訂位完成後,您將收到簡訊及 inline 官方 LINE 通知後表示訂位成功,此階段不收取任何費用。逾時未綁定者,訂位將自動取消,恕不另行通知。・餐廳將於用餐日前7天(不含當日)寄發訂位確認訊息,請務必確認並回覆以保留座位。・每次訂位限1至6人,若人數超過6人,建議包場預約,並請提前兩個月透過客服信箱 info@denuit.com.tw 聯繫。|訂位變更與取消|・訂位成功後無法自行更改訂位、日期或人數,如需調整請取消後重新預訂。・如需變更日期或時間,請於訂位日3天前(不含用餐當日)致電或郵件聯絡,我們將協助重新安排。・如需取消預訂,請於訂位日3天前(不含用餐當日)透過訂位系統完成取消。・因食材依訂位人數準備,訂位日前3天內(不含當日)取消、減少人數或當日未到場,將收取午餐NT$3,980/晚餐NT$5,480的食材準備費,恕不退還或保留。・餐廳保留對訂位相關變更的最終決定權。|包廂與包場預約|・餐廳設有包廂,最多可容納6人。午餐低消NT$30,000+10%;晚餐低消NT$42,000+10%。如需包廂請透過客服信箱或 Facebook 聯絡。・餐廳亦提供私人包場服務,敬請提前兩個月聯絡客服信箱,我們將提供專人服務。|慶祝特別節日|・de nuit 提供畫盤祝福服務,歡迎在訂位時提出需求(如慶生、紀念日等),我們會在甜點盤上寫上祝福語並附上蠟燭。・我們提供迷你生日蛋糕預訂服務(NT$450/個,約1~2人份),請於用餐日3天前告知需求(僅供內用,無外帶服務)。|額外清潔費用|・自帶酒水服務費:750ml 為一瓶單位,每瓶 NT$1,000,不分酒款。・自帶蛋糕享用,將酌收清潔服務費 NT$500/個。・若因嘔吐、打翻酒水等行為造成環境髒亂,將收取清潔費 NT$5,000;其他硬體損傷費用另計。|用餐提醒|・如對任何食材有急性過敏反應或宗教禁忌,請於訂位備註欄提前告知。我們將盡力協助,以確保您的用餐安全。・為確保品質,餐點將於全員入席後統一上菜,建議您預留最少3小時用餐時間。・為維持用餐品質,de nuit 僅接待12歲以上賓客,不提供兒童餐具及座位;同行12歲以上孩童視為成人,須達基本消費。・建議穿著半正式休閒服裝,避免過度使用香水。男士請勿穿短褲、背心、拖鞋;女士避免拖鞋、高跟拖鞋(腳後跟需有包覆),感謝您的配合。・座位安排由餐廳決定,現場不接受指定或更換座位。・除生日蛋糕外,請勿攜帶外食或飲料。・僅接受輔助犬與導盲犬,其他寵物恕無法入內。・餐廳全面禁煙,包括電子菸。・為營造舒適氛圍,請將手機設為靜音,並降低喧嘩聲量,避免使用閃光燈和線上直播。・若需商業或公開拍攝,請事先聯繫餐廳,由專人協助;如未事先溝通,餐廳保留現場的最終決定權。・de nuit 保有因不可抗力調整或取消訂位的權利,並對上述內容保有最終解釋權。・如需電話聯繫,請於電話服務時間致電詢問。### 【本餐廳保有現場營運相關的最後決定權利】 ###
Foto del ristorante ÎLE 島嶼法式海鮮
Prezzo: molto caro
• French • Wenshan District
感謝您選擇 Île 島嶼法式海鮮。以下為我們的營業與訂位資訊,期待為您提供美好的用餐體驗。營業與訂位資訊• 營業時間:週一至週六• 公休日:週日• 訂位限制:僅接受30天內的訂位用餐時段與套餐• 午餐:12:00-14:00(請至少三天前預訂,最晚訂位時間為12:30)o 提供單點餐酒分享服務(每人低消$600)o 每人8道單主餐套餐,價格自$2000起(不含酒水),需提前三天預約並支付訂金(僅中午供應)o 每人低消為「套餐價位 + 10%服務費」,適用於1-6位(6位為上限)• 下午茶:14:00-17:00o 提供單點餐酒分享服務(每人低消$600)• 晚餐:17:30-21:00(最晚接受訂位時間為19:00)o 提供單點餐酒分享服務(每人低消$600)o 菜單依季節食材調整,恕無法提前提供詳細內容用餐規範• 每桌用餐時間限2小時• 若訂位人數臨時減少,需另點酒水或品項補足低消• 空間有限,恕無法臨時加位;若需更改人數,請提前來電• 餐點將於所有人到齊後一起供應,以確保用餐品質• 餐點僅限內用,不提供打包;請勿攜帶外食及飲料(生日蛋糕除外)• 歡迎家庭攜兒童用餐,惟請注意孩童音量• 餐廳無兒童餐及兒童椅服務,請自行考量注意事項• 慶祝需求:如有生日或紀念日需求,請訂位時備註。我們將於甜點盤上附祝福語及蠟燭• 過敏及宗教禁忌:請於訂位前告知嚴重過敏或宗教禁忌的需求,以便我們妥善準備• 自備酒水洗杯費:o 葡萄酒杯:300元/個o 醒酒器:300元/個o 餐廳無烈酒杯,若需,請自備大型訂位或包場• 團體訂位:6-10人可預訂私人包廂,建議提前選擇菜單• 活動包場:提供最多30人包場服務,詳情請致電 02-86610257 詢問如有任何問題或需求,歡迎隨時聯繫我們! 《預付訂金與取消退款須知》1. 訂位 1人(含)以上 需 每人預付 NT$2,000 訂金,餐廳將保留您的座位,並於用餐前一天提醒您。2. 若需取消,請於 用餐日前 2 天內(不含當日) 直接聯繫餐廳申請退款,請勿透過簡訊取消,系統不會自動退訂金。3. 退款將於 15 個工作天內 扣除手續費後處理;逾期取消恕不退款。4. 餐廳保留訂位變更的最終決定權。🔔本餐廳將於 3月26日進行員工教育訓練,因此當日 暫停營業,造成您的不便,敬請見諒。🔔🔔由於餐廳 4月30日當天承接了外匯訂單,因此當日將 暫停營業,造成您的不便,敬請見諒。🔔
Foto del ristorante Lin restaurant
Prezzo: molto caro
• French • Da'an District
Prenotato 1 volta oggi
⚠️重要公告:2025/3/1起 - 完成預訂晚餐需綁定信用卡金額 NTD$3,880/位- 完成預訂周末午餐需綁定信用卡金額 NTD$2,880/位- 取消請提前 7 日通知,逾期將酌收綁定信用卡金額- 葡萄酒開瓶費 NTD $1,000/750ml,可開同尺寸 1 瓶抵 1 瓶- 訂位 7 日前,餐廳將來電確認忌口事項,請保持電話暢通📌 訂位須知▫ 線上訂位開放45天內的預約▫ 訂位必須輸入信用卡資訊,簡訊確認即完成(不會預先扣款)▫ 套餐菜單依當季時令調整,如有食材過敏或飲食忌口,請提前 7 日告知▫ 僅提供蛋奶素、海鮮素,暫無提供全素套餐、無麩質、奶類過敏▫ 包廂及包場預訂,請來電或透過 Instagram 私訊洽詢▫ 訂位保留 30 分鐘,逾時視同取消,將收取 NTD $3,880 / 位,週末午餐 NTD $2,880 /位▫ 取消請提前 7日通知,逾期將酌收 NTD $3,880/ 位,,週末午餐 NTD $2,880 /位的食材耗損費🍽 冬季套餐💎 當季套餐|NTD $3,880起 / 位💎 週六午間套餐|NTD $2,880起 / 位💧 水資|NTD $180 / 位🍷 酒水服務費|葡萄酒 NTD $1,000 / 750ml|烈酒 NTD $2,000 / 700ml✨ 以上價格均須另加 10% 服務費📍 營業時間▫ 午餐|週六 11:30 - 14:00▫ 晚餐|週二至週六 18:00 - 22:30▫ 公休|每週日、一📞 聯絡電話|(02) 2368-7868📲 Instagram 私訊|@lin_restaurant_taipei📢 電話接聽時間|週二至週六 14:00 - 18:00⚠️ 用餐須知▫ 本餐廳為板前 Chef’s Table,開放式廚房可能產生些許油煙,外套可交由服務人員代為掛置▫ inline 線上訂位限板前用餐區 8 人以下,VIP 包廂 / 包場請來電或 IG 私訊洽詢▫ 座位安排依訂位順序進行,恕無法指定座位▫ 訂位 7 日前,餐廳將來電確認忌口事項,請保持電話暢通✨ 感謝您的支持與理解,Lin Restaurant 團隊期待能很快地為您服務。🥂📌 Reservation Policy▫ Online reservations are available up to 1.5 months in advance.▫ Credit card details are required for booking confirmation via SMS (no charges will be made at this stage).▫ Our menu is seasonal. Please inform us of any dietary restrictions at least 7 days in advance.▫ We offer only lacto-ovo and pescatarian options. Vegan menus are currently unavailable.▫ For private dining or event bookings, please contact us via phone or Instagram.▫ Reservations are held for 30 minutes. Late arrivals will be considered a no-show and charged NTD $3,880 per guest.(Weekend Lunch NTD $2,880)▫ Cancellations must be made at least 7 days in advance; otherwise, a NTD $3,880 per guest charge will apply. (Weekend Lunch NTD $2,880)🍽 Winter Menu💎 Seasonal Menu|From NTD $3,880 per guest💎 Saturday Lunch Menu|From NTD $2,880 per guest💧 Water Fee|NTD $180 per guest🍷 Corkage Fee|Wine NTD $1,000 / 750ml|Spirits NTD $2,000 / 700ml✨ All prices are subject to a 10% service charge.📍 Business Hours▫ Lunch|Saturday 11:30 - 14:00▫ Dinner|Tuesday - Saturday 18:00 - 22:30▫ Closed|Sunday & Monday📞 Contact|(02) 2368-7868📲 DM us on Instagram|@lin_restaurant_taipei📢 Call Hours|Tuesday - Saturday 14:00 - 18:00⚠️ Dining Notes▫ We are a Chef’s Table-style restaurant with an open kitchen. Some smoke may be present. Our staff can assist in storing your outerwear.▫ Online reservations (via inline) are available for groups of up to 8 guests. For VIP rooms or private events, please contact us.▫ Seating is arranged based on booking order. Specific table requests cannot be accommodated.▫ We will call 7 days before your reservation to confirm dietary restrictions. Please ensure your phone is reachable.✨ Thank you for your support and understanding. We look forward to welcoming you in the new year. 🥂
Foto del ristorante WILD DONKEY 野驢小餐館
Prezzo: caro
• French • Da'an District
[Sincere food] Chef Fudy’s goal has always been to serve the most sincere food. Using the freshest and natural ingredients, the simplest cooking, without unnecessary plating, to taste what real food should taste like. The taste of comfort and happiness.[Farm to Table] Our chef and farmer Fudy grows vegetables using natural farming methods on his own farm, combining them with the freshest and most natural seasonal ingredients from Taiwan to create French comfort food. Staying true to the authentic flavors of the ingredients, allowing guests to explore their natural essence and rich layers. The dining experience is relaxed and casual, offering a warm and comfortable atmosphere for guests to enjoy a pleasant time.Reservation notice:Business hours: Dinners Tuesday to Saturday from 17:30 to 22:10 (last order at 21:00)Lunch Saturday 11:30 to 14:00 (last order at 13:00)Closed on Sunday and MondayRestaurant Address: No 5, Alley 33, Lane 216, Section 4, Zhongxiao East Road 1F, Taipei City 106Reservation: 0912-390-398Email: info@wilddonkey.twReservation method:This restaurant accepts online reservations within one month, and does not accept social media reservations via Facebook, Instagram and etc.Thank you for your understanding.If the number of reservations is more than six people, please dial 0912-390-398 after 15:00 during business days, our staff will assist you in the reservation.On the day of the reservation, your table will be reserved for 10 minutes.Dining time is limited to 2 hours. If there are changes in the number of people and reservation related information, please inform in advance.If the number of people is temporarily reduced, we will also charge the original reservation number of the Minimum charge. If the guest were late past 10 minutes, we have the right to rearrange the reservation. Minimum charge $1000 per person from Tuesday to Saturday The minimum charge does not apply to infants who require baby seats.Valentine's Day2025/2/13-2025/2/15Minimum charge $1600 per person from February 13th to February 15th.Cake cleaning fee $220 per cake.
Foto del ristorante Fogant
Prezzo: caro
• French • Neihu District
Our brand Fogant is inspired by word “ Focus” and “Elegant”, it represents the consistency of delivering the best quality and emphasizing the spirit of meticulous as a core. *Operating Hours (closed on Mondays and Tuesdays):◎Lunch: 12:00-14:30 (Last order at 13:00)◎Dinner: 18:00-22:00 (Last order at 20:00)*Reservation/Dining Information:◎Reservations will be held for 10 minutes.◎Kindly be on time for your reservation. All meals will be prepared once all guests arrived.◎There is a limited charge for a tasting set per person.◎Currently, online reservations are only available for table up to 6 people within the next two months. For table of 6 more or private events, please contact us via phone or email.?Contact Number: 02-8791-0288 (Please call between 14:30-17:00 on operating days for optimal service)?Email: fogant200@gmail.com*Menu:Table water person per: NT$150Weekday lunch set menu: Price starting from NT$1380Weekday dinner and all-day weekend set menu: Price starting from NT$2880*Vegetarian Option:Weekday lunch set menu: NT$1380Weekday dinner and all-day weekend set menu: NT$2200(Reservation must be made at least three days in advance for lacto-ovo vegetarians)*Children: Kid’s menu for NT$750 is available for children under 6 years old.Please inform us while making reservation. Children aged 7 and above will be provided with regular tasting menu.?Service charge of 10% applies to the above prices.*Food substitutions are available only for religious or allergy-related dietary restrictions.?If you have any allergies or food restrictions, please inform us at least three days before your dining date. Changes to the menu will not be accepted on-site (such as raw seafood, shellfish, beef, lamb, etc.).?When making an online reservation, please indicate if there’s any special requests in the remarks section or inform us by phone. Changes made on-site without prior notification will not be accepted.?To maintain food safety and quality, we do not provide takeout or food packing services. *Wine Pairing:2 glasses: NT$6803 glasses: NT$10004 glasses: NT$1250?10% service charge applies to the above prices.?Corkage fee: NT$1000 for wine (750ml), NT$1500 for spirits (charged per bottle)*Restaurant Rules:◎No outside food/beverages allowed. No pets allowed, except for assistance dogs and guide dogs.◎Dining notes:-We do not provide cakes for birthday celebrations. Only candles and a dessert platter service are available.-If you bring your own cake, it must be delivered on the same day of dining. We do not accept cakes delivered one day in advance (due to food safety considerations).◎Dress code:-Male are not allowed to wear slippers, sandals, or tank tops.-Female are not allowed to wear slippers.❗️Cleaning fee of NT$1000 will be charged for any damage caused to the restaurant during meal time.❗️It must be compensated at the original price if wine glass is broken.❗️If restaurant rules are violated, the restaurant will reserve the right to adjust your reservation. *Transportation: There is no parking lot available at the restaurant. Please refer to nearbyCar park information.Fogant team is looking forward to serve you and sincerely welcomes you to enjoy a wonderful dining experience with us!
Foto del ristorante 亞都麗緻大飯店 天香樓-中式杭州菜
Prezzo: molto caro
• French • Zhongshan District
TIEN HSIANG LOTaste delicacies from West Lake, enjoy the elegant style of the Song Dynasty. Su Dongpo, a poet of the Song Dynasty, once praised “the prosperity of the world banquet is not as good as Hangzhou”!Hangzhou is known as the “Land of much fish and rice, the home of silk, and the state of culture”. It was the capital city of the Southern Song.Dynasty, during which the booming humanities and gourmet cultures were at their peak in what was called the Chinese Renaissance. The gathering of scholars and literati has made Hangzhou cuisine the representative of Chinese fine food culture.Tien Hsiang Lo of the Landis Taipei Hotel is derived from Tien Hsiang Lo in Hong Kong, which originally came from Hangzhou. It adheres to the authentic taste of Hangzhou’s traditional dishes, while following the essential cuisine culture of Hangzhou, presenting the diversity ofHangzhou cuisine. Combined with an interior design that reflects the ten scenic spots of West Lake, poetry that praises the local cuisine and feast, it portrays the aesthetics of the space and the profound humanistic feelings of the delicate Hangzhou cuisine. Then extension of the four arts from Song Dynasty - tea, flower arranging, painting, and incense, fill every corner of the space with the ultimate taste of life that people in the Song Dynasty admired.“Reflecting West Lake, showing the charm of the Song Dynasty”, Tien Hsiang Lo invites you to enjoy the charming beauty of Hangzhou cuisine.◎《2024 Michelin One Star by Michelin Guide Taiwan》◎《2024 Wine Spectator》Best of Award of Excellence. An affirmation that it is the best choice Taipei restaurant for having an ultimate dining and wine feasting in Taipei.*Certain dishes from our à la carte require preorder - refer to our menu to understand specific number of days for preparation. Please contact restaurant or specify in NOTE box about reserving menu items.
Foto del ristorante 夏慕尼 新香榭鉄板燒 台北中山北店
Prezzo: caro
• French • Zhongshan District
大膽顛覆傳統鐵板燒的老式印象,將法式料理及Lounge Bar時尚元素融入鐵板料理。設計出一道道精緻美味的餐點,營造獨特迷人的法式鐵板饗宴。
Foto del ristorante 夏慕尼 新香榭鉄板燒 台北南昌店
Prezzo: caro
• French • Zhongzheng District
Prenotato 2 volte oggi
大膽顛覆傳統鐵板燒的老式印象,將法式料理及Lounge Bar時尚元素融入鐵板料理。設計出一道道精緻美味的餐點,營造獨特迷人的法式鐵板饗宴。

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