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I migliori ristoranti vegani a Taishan District

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47 ristoranti disponibili nelle vicinanze

Foto del ristorante 好想吃冰 かき氷 新莊幸福店
Prezzo: moderato
• Dessert • Taishan District
訂位須知?**一、訂位保留10分鐘:⚠️**訂位時間將為您保留10分鐘,超過時間即取消訂位,將由現場候位客人候補座位**二、用餐時間安排 60 分鐘⚠️(特殊活動會依現場狀況延長時間)**以「訂位時間」起始計算 60 分鐘 如:訂位時間 18:00,用餐時間到 19:00 止最後點餐時間為 20:00**三、本店有低消,為每人150元(不合計)⚠️**,請確認可接受再行訂位,謝謝。**四、夏季6-8月假日(六日與國定假日)不提供訂位,僅提供現場候位** **五、無法臨時更改人數、新增座位:**因座位有限,無法提供臨時增加人數、或增加座位、椅子之服務,請先取消原本預定,重新使用訂位網頁再行預約。(以線上尚有位置為準,無法保留原訂位名額),取消訂位的空位會立即釋出,無法直接更改時間。**六、若線上訂位額滿,可用電話訂位:**系統提供 30 天內的訂位,若無法選擇想要的時段,代表「線上訂位」名額已達上限,您可以撥打現場訂位專線,確認現場有無座位釋出**七、特殊位置需求可備註,但實際安排會依餐廳現場為主:**您可備註特殊需求的位置(如:和室座位、靠窗位置、一般座位),但並非保證一定會有,服務人員會依現場狀況替您做優先安排。**八、本店非親子餐廳,為維護客戶權益,謝絕6歲以下,及音量過大過於好動之小朋友,避免影響其他客戶用餐****九、本店並無提供兒童座椅,店面較小也無法停放嬰兒車或輪椅,請有小朋友的家長需評估後再行訂位****十、登記請留手機號碼,室內電話將無法電話通知到您**
Foto del ristorante 善菓餐飲 - Vegan Amore 蔬慕
Prezzo: moderato
• Vegetariana / Vegana • Datong District
Prenotato 2 volte oggi
1/28~2/2蔬慕只提供套餐單人【 開胃菜、 主餐、飲料】888元雙人套餐【 開胃菜、沙拉、 主餐2、飲料2】1768元四人套餐【 開胃菜2、沙拉、 主餐4、飲料4】3488元感謝您對蔬慕的支持與愛護,為提供您更完善的體驗,每位內用需點至少一份餐點,用餐時間為90分鐘。誠摯期待您的蒞臨!🩷訂位將為您保留10分鐘,逾時將自動取消🩷🩷僅開放30天內的訂位,如有其他需求請洽(02)2555 6090將由門市人員為您服務🩷🩷本店禁用外食,因蔬慕為VEGAN餐廳,若有慶生用蛋糕(蛋奶)製品請自備餐具,謝謝您的配合🩷
Foto del ristorante 光焙若蔬食 SUN BERNO 新板傑仕堡
Prezzo: moderato
• Vegetariana / Vegana • Banqiao District

Foto del ristorante MIACUCINA 台北南西店
Prezzo: moderato
• Italiana • Zhongshan District
Prenotato 1 volta oggi
Foto del ristorante 原素食府
Prezzo: moderato
• Cinese • Banqiao District
Prenotato 4 volte oggi
歡迎您蒞臨原素食府----------------------------------餐廳每日提供百種以上的中西式蔬食自助百匯,以及多樣化手工糕點與飲品,適合親友歡聚用餐及家庭筵會、喜慶婚禮等各類型蔬食精品宴會服務。我們的用餐空間採用與大自然呼應的原木色調,營造簡約舒適的氛圍,從餐廳俯瞰府中商圈的綠意與街景,享受隨意自在的餐飲體驗。謝謝您參與蔬食愛地球的文化行列。為了提供您更豐富的餐點體驗,餐廳會不定時更新菜色,歡迎您隨時來嚐鮮。餐期與收費方式----------------------------------● 中餐餐期 11:45 - 14:00 ● 劃位開始時間 11:30成人 NT$600+10%兒童 NT$360+10%● 下午茶餐期 14:30 - 16:30 ● 劃位開始時間 14:20成人 NT$420+10%兒童 NT$240+10%● 晚餐餐期 17:45 - 21:00 ● 劃位開始時間 17:30成人 NT$600+10%兒童 NT$360+10%※如遇農曆春節連假期間或母親節等特殊節日,價格將另有調整。兒童收費標準 未滿 3 歲(不含 3 歲)之幼兒免費。3 歲(含)以上、未滿 5 歲之幼兒酌收 $150 元。5 歲(含)以上、未滿 12 歲以兒童價計費。12 歲(含)以上,以成人價計費。欲享有兒童優惠價,請出示記載生日之證明文件或健保卡。現場劃位方式----------------------------------如在餐期開始前抵達時,請貴賓先於電梯出口處稍後,現場劃位請派(一位親友)於電梯出口長凳區等待劃位,以下個別餐期劃位時間開始時,將有專人於電梯出口領檯處,為貴賓開始劃位,並於餐期開始時引導貴賓就坐。● 中餐劃位開始時間 11:30● 下午茶劃位開始時間 14:20● 晚餐劃位開始時間 17:30貼心提醒,本餐廳於每月1號,開放次月每日的各餐期訂位(例:7/1 開放預訂 8/1-8/31 之訂位)為提升您在熱門時段提前選位之機會,建議您提早安排訂位,座位將依照訂位完成之先後順序安排。劃位現場恕不接受指定座位,將視現場狀況安排,感謝諒解與配合。星期一環保日現金優惠價----------------------------------● 中餐 ‧ 晚餐 現金價 成人 $539 兒童 $360● 下午茶 現金價 成人 $389 兒童 $240• 國定假日不適用,用餐請提前訂位,確保座位• 本優惠活動無需加收一成服務費 •刷卡將以原價計算• 此優惠不得與貴賓卡、禮物卡、餐券、折價券或其他優惠合併使用• 原素食府保有修改活動之權利,任何相關異動以餐廳現場公告為準團體優惠訂位須知----------------------------------• 凡 20 位 (含) 以上成人訂位可享團體優惠價,等同餐券價• 中餐或晚餐 $585,下午茶 $410,無須另加收服務費• 不可與其他優惠合併使用,例如 : 出家眾及兒童優惠價• 請於訂位完成後7日內繳付訂金• 20-29 位 $2000 ,30-39 位 $3000 ,以此類推• 匯款後請自行電洽餐廳並告知匯款帳號後5碼• 訂金也可直接至本餐廳繳付現金,訂金恕不接受刷卡交通方式與停車資訊----------------------------------● 大眾運輸工具本餐廳位捷運板南線_府中捷運站一號出口出站後右手邊,看到全家便利商店,請電梯直達四樓餐廳入口。(此為板橋區農會第二大樓入口)。● 自行開車與停車場本餐廳大樓地下室設有板橋區農會大樓附屬停車場,請由東門街進入。板橋農會目前尚未與本大樓餐廳合作提供停車優惠,因此停車費用需另行計算,每小時收費 60 元,限高 1.8M 敬請留意,繳費機位於地下二樓與四樓,機器繳費僅收現金無提供電子支付。感謝您的理解與配合。若有其他可提供協助的地方,請於 11:45-21:00 來電與我們聯繫,如遇線路繁忙,煩請稍後再次來電,謝謝您。----------------------------------
Foto del ristorante 香色
Prezzo: moderato
• Bistro • Zhongzheng District
Xiang SeOur house is open for you{ 2025 –Spring Tasting Menu}・Seasonal Dinner sets are NT3,480元+10%。 per person. ・Xunday Lunch sets are NT$NT2,480+ 10%。・Please note that no vegan/ ovo-lacto vegetarian /gluten-free/ dairy-free or any other customized sets are served.・Please let us know at least 3 days in advance if you have any food allergies, pregnant or special dietary requirements.|Reservation policies|1. Reservations can be made 1 month in advance via our online booking system or phone call. After you receive the confirmation email/ SMS, the reservation will thus be successfully made. If a cancellation or rebooking is required, please let us know at least 2 days in advance.2. Please make a reservation via email or telephone between 12:30-17:00 Tuesday to Sunday.3. For In-line online booking system, only acceptable for 1 to 5 persons reservation. If you would like to make a reservation for more than 6 persons, please contact us through phone call.4. Children under 9 years old as well as pets are not allowed in the restaurant.5. Cancellations or changes to the reservation are possible 48 hours prior to the reserved arrival time. However, if you don’t show up, without previously cancelling your reservation, you will be charged a NT$1,500 per person no-show fee.6. For confirmed reservation, table will only be held for 10 minutes from the time of your reservation. After which time the reservation will be cancelled and the table will be allocated to another customer. |Cancellation and re-booking|Please inform us at least two days in advance for a cancellation or a re-booking, contacting us via calling 02-23581819, or e-mailing: xsopenhouse@gmail.com .We don’t accept the number of guests being changed after the reservation is made. Thank you for your understanding. |Terms & Conditions|1.Please note that no vegan/ gluten-free/ dairy-free or any other customized sets are served.2.Please inform us in 3 days advance if you have any food allergies, specific dietary requirements or pregnant. Unfortunately we cannot cater to your requests if you inform us on the day of reservation. 3.For presenting you the best quality of each dish, the dishes will be served after every guest with you is seated. 4.There are opt for outdoor seating areas and indoor seating areas.5.No outside food or drink is allowed. A cakeage fee of NT$300 per cake will be charged if you bring your own cake inside the restaurant. 6.A corkage fee of NT$500 will be charged for wine, and NT$ 800 will be charged for liquor. 7.For maintaining your dining experience, no flash photography is allowed in the dining area. 8.Xiang Se have the final decision-making authority for any other filming or photography session.9.Please don’t bring large decorations, bouquets or balloons inside the restaurant.Please note that, should any condition or force majeure be in place at the time of your visit, our service may also be affected or reduced. Thank you for your cooperation and understanding.
Foto del ristorante 蔬軾.創意蔬食料理餐廳 樂華店
Prezzo: moderato
• Vegetariana / Vegana • Yonghe District
Prenotato 1 volta oggi
您好!歡迎來到 蔬軾 的線上訂位系統。.用餐90分鐘為限,請您見諒。.貼心小提醒:11:30-14:30午餐時段14:30-17:30無提供餐點,提供外帶優格17:30-21:00晚餐時段『全天會員皆可提領優格』.訂位為您保留10分鐘,若有異動請電話告知,謝謝。.用餐前 30天開放訂位。礙於桌位數量有限,線上訂位只接受 10人以下的團體客人,若人數超過,請來電洽詢及預付訂金相關事宜。.目前店內有提供一樓與二樓座位,若有特殊需求,請來電通知 02 2926 7889 謝謝(服務人員會依現場狀況進行安排).若有任何疑問,請電話洽詢 蔬軾 02 2926 7889,謝謝。
Foto del ristorante 樂埔町 Leputing
Prezzo: molto caro
• Francese • Da'an District
Booking:Credit card is accepted.Minimum order per person:Lunch NT$1,980,Dinner NT$3,280.Lunch:11:30-14:30,Dinner:18:00-22:00All prices are subject to 10 % service charge.Please contact us about booking the entire restaurant or reserving for special occasions whether there are dietary taboos and other information.Please tell us if you need the lobster and how quantity you need at least 3 days in advance.The main courses for this season require aging preparation time, so please make your main course reservation when booking. The appetizers also include beef. If you have dietary restrictions such as avoiding beef, please note them in the "Special Requests" section.Sorry for can't offer the meal without seafood, dairy and vegan meal.NT$1,000 corkage fee per bottle. Spirit or others more than 1500ml : NT$1,500 per bottle.Please drink responsibly. Thowing up will be charged for cleaning fee NT$1,000/each time.If the number of diners will be changed, please inform us at least 3 days in advance, or we will charge the waste fee NT$1,000/perReservations , we will require a deposit. If cancel the reservation, we will charge the service fee.We don't offer table sharing.*Foreign passengersIf there have any questions, please contact Leputing FB:https://www.facebook.com/Leputing/Leputing email: *Opening Hours:11:30-14:30-18:00-22:00/ Closed TuesdayIn order to maintain the dining experience of other customers, children under the age of 5 will not be entertained. If bringing children under the age of 5 is considered a violation of restaurant regulations, we will have the right to cancel the reservation and treat it as a temporary cancellation. Thank you for your understanding.
Foto del ristorante 蛋奶樹蔬食專賣
Prezzo: moderato
• Vegetariana / Vegana • Zhongshan District
Coming Soon!
Foto del ristorante 六堆伙房 中山店
Prezzo: moderato
• Cinese • Zhongshan District

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