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I migliori ristoranti per gruppi a Rende District

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34 ristoranti disponibili nelle vicinanze

Foto del ristorante 春囍打邊爐 台南店
Prezzo: moderato
• Cantonese • East District
Prenotato 2 volte oggi
Foto del ristorante 涮乃葉日式涮涮鍋吃到飽 台南遠百成功店
Prezzo: moderato
• Giapponese (Shabu-Shabu) • East District
訂位須知-全年無休訂位人數:可接受 1-12 位訂位(含大人與小孩) * 超過 12 人的訂位,歡迎電話預約,由門市人員為您服務接受訂位時間:開放30天內預定訂位訂位保留時間:10分鐘,超過即取消,由現場顧客候補訂位完成後,需更改人數或時間請撥打電話至門市,由門市人員協助更改其他說明消費酌收10%服務費。最後進場時間:打烊前60分鐘用餐不足100分鐘、請見諒、如您不介意 我們仍歡迎您用餐更多優惠訊息及活動請搜尋官網:https://www.syabuyo.com.tw
Foto del ristorante MOONROCK
Prezzo: moderato
• Bar / Lounge / Vendita Bottiglie • North District
Prenotato 2 volte oggi
Please read the following information before booking with us. Your understanding is deeply appreciated.Opening hourMonday - Sunday 20: 00-02: 00•Regular day off,please check our latest announcements on Instagram. Thank you.[ Booking Policy ]• Walk-in: minimum charge is NT$ 350 per guest (Beverage only)• Reservation customer: minimum charge is NT$ 600 per guest (Beverage only)• All prices are subject to 10% service charge.* We hold tables for 10 minutes after the reservation time, we kindly ask you to be on time for the best experience.* Please understand that your table will be 120 minutes limit.* Reservations for Guest under eighteen are not accepted. * No outside food and drink allowed.* Please refrain from bringing pets* Please turn your mobile phone or electronic devices into silent mode and lower your voice in moonrock.* moonrock is a non-smoking bar (including e-cigarette) and follows regulations for responsible drinking; any behaviors cause messy environment or any damages that will be extra charge for our policy violations.* Please talk quietly outside the store.* Please drink responsibly. Do not drink and drive.We thank you for your kind understanding and we are looking forward to your visit.
Foto del ristorante 田季發爺 台南中華店
Prezzo: moderato
• Barbecue • East District
Prenotato 1 volta oggi
Online Reservation Guidelines: • If online reservations are fully booked, please call the respective store’s service hotline for inquiries. • Reservations must be made at least one day in advance. • Reserved seats will be held for 10 minutes only. Late arrivals will not be accommodated. • Online reservations are not available on national holidays and long weekends. Please call the respective store’s service hotline for reservations. • Minimum charge per person is NT$618, and all guests in the same group must select the same price tier. • A 10% service charge will be added to all prices. • Children under 99 cm dine for free. • Children between 100 cm and 140 cm are charged NT$309/399/494. • Guests over 141 cm will be charged at the adult price. • Seating is limited and will be arranged based on availability at the time of arrival. • Alcoholic beverages are sold at the prices displayed in the restaurant.
Foto del ristorante 籠裏 Bar Lonely
Prezzo: caro
• Bar / Lounge / Vendita Bottiglie • West Central District
Prenotato 1 volta oggi
*For reservations over than 6 people, or you need to change the reservation information, please make a call or send the message to our Facebook page and there will be dedicated person to assist you. *Minimum Charge: Weekdays (Sunday to Thursday) N.T.300/person (excluding food) Holidays (Friday, Saturday, consecutive holidays and the day before consecutive holidays) 18:00~19:50 N.T.300/person (included Food) 20:00~02:00 N.T.600/person (without food)*Children (under eighteen) and pets are not permitted in Bar Lonely.*If there are other guests waiting for a table, the meal time limit will be 2 hours. If there is no reservation/waiting, there will be no time limit.*No outside food is allowed; you can bring birthday cakes, but please pay attention to the cleanliness of the environment and take away the rubbish by yourself.*If you have any questions or need to change your reservation information, please send private message to our Facebook page.*If the system cannot make reservations during this time period, it means the quota for open reservations is full and the rest is reserved for the spot. You can make a call during the opening hours of the day or go to the spot in advance to confirm the vacancy status.
Foto del ristorante Mo-Mo-Paradise 台南南紡牧場
Prezzo: moderato
• Giapponese (Shabu-Shabu) • East District
Foto del ristorante 煙波大飯店台南館 食東西自助餐廳
Prezzo: moderato
• Italiana • West Central District
⚠為維護食品衛生安全,取餐時建議戴上口罩。⚠為確保顧客用餐體驗,統一於訂位時間前10分鐘開放報到。不提供提前入座,敬請見諒!⚠訂位座位保留10分鐘,逾時將取消訂位,不另行通知。⚠如遇該時段線上訂位額滿,建議您〈現場候位〉,等候時間視當日現場狀況而定。⚠因桌次有限,訂位後將依現場狀況排桌入席,恕無法指定座位。👉早午餐優惠限定3-5月限定】早午餐超限量供應日本直送!極飽滿海味 - 廣島炸牡蠣加購優惠2顆$99,5顆$199(市價單顆$95)數量有限,趕緊搶「鮮」預訂※請於說明加購份數※以上價格另需加10%服務費※若非限定期間來店用餐,恕不提供加購,造成不便,敬請見諒● 營業時間/餐價:👉【早午餐】‶ 延伸本就豐富多元的早餐 ″,使用新鮮在地食材,天然風味料理手法,演繹中式、西式、日式等珍饈美饌,並加入極具代表性的特色美食「台南牛肉湯」及多道創意料理,滿足饕客大快朵頤的慾望。週一~週日 10:30 am - 13:30 pm✔週一~週五餐價:成人餐價-141公分以上(每位)$630+10%孩童-111公分-140公分(每位)$340+10%幼童110公分以下,不酌收費用。✔週六~週日餐價:成人餐價-141公分以上(每位)$680+10%孩童-111公分-140公分(每位)$340+10%幼童110公分以下,不酌收費用。👉【晚餐】各國美食薈萃一堂,除了肉質嫩醇香的牛肉、豐盛海鮮、百匯沙拉、日式及地中海料理;2023/5/1起,更注入府城溫暖熱情的好客精神,豪氣款待每季不同的的牡蠣滿漢全席。✔週五~週日 5:30 pm - 9:00 pm成人餐價-141公分以上(每位)$950+10% 孩童-111公分-140公分(每位)$475+10% 幼童110公分以下,不酌收費用。⚠【其他說明】●特殊節日、國定假日(含連續假期)或特殊美食節活動價格調整;各項優惠恕不適用;依餐廳公告為準。●如遇特殊節日(農曆春節、母親節...等),將視訂位狀況收取訂金,餐廳將有專人致電與您聯繫訂金事宜,謝謝!!●若使用餐券如遇假日及特殊節日價格調整,請依面額補足差價。"使用規則以及餐價請依券上說明使用"。●特殊節日、國定假日(含連續假期)或特殊美食節活動,其訂位之訂金收取比率,請恕本餐廳得保留與訂位者協商之權利。●自備酒水服務費收取方式:葡萄酒每瓶NT300、烈酒每瓶NT500。●如有任何其他相關訂位問題,歡迎加入台南館餐廳 LINE官方帳號 @srtn3555,我們將線上為您回覆。
Foto del ristorante 尬麻火鍋聚場
Prezzo: moderato
• Giapponese (Shabu-Shabu) • East District
《""當日""訂位及超過八人之訂位,煩請直接電話訂位》1 營業時間為11:30~15:00;17:30~22:00(如現場候位顧客較多,可能會提前暫停接客,建議可致電詢問現場狀況)2 用餐當日需人數到齊,準時至現場報到,餐廳無保留座位的時間,逾時餐位將自動取消。3 若屆時未有符合的餐位,請於現場耐心等候,將盡快為您準備桌位。4 若您有需要更改訂位的日期、時間或人數等資訊,請務必來電告知,懇請於每日11:30-22:00致電06-2090095,將由訂位專員為您服務。
Foto del ristorante 嗑肉石鍋 台南東門店
Prezzo: moderato
• Giapponese (Shabu-Shabu) • East District
營業時間:中午11點 - 凌晨2點(線上最後訂位時間為晚上12點)最後加點時間:晚上00:30點訂位保留時間:將為您保留10分鐘(包含在用餐時間),超過時間即取消訂位,將由現場客人進行座位候補1.用餐時間限制🚫訂位時間開始計算100分鐘2.每人基本費用:*身高 141cm以上 基本費用 $288元(例假日、國定假日需點368元以上套餐系列)*身高 121~140cm 基本費用 $168元*身高 101~120cm 基本費用 $68元*身高 100(含)以下 無基本費用以上依人頭,皆須的收30元清潔費襁褓手抱、僅能坐婴兒推車、無須獨立座位者免收清潔費每位大人以1位100cm(含)以下之幼兒共食為限,若超過則每位酌收30元清潔費3.請珍惜食物的量點餐及自助吧使用,請勿浪費食物,若同桌未享用完畢食材以浪費食材收費,每超過500g的收$100元,為保持食材的新鮮度及餐點品質,湯底及自助區食材不提供打包外帶服務。4.嗑肉石鍋會依季節更替調整菜色與自助吧、副食、霜淇淋、甜點、飲品內容5.菜單照片僅供參考,餐點依實際出餐為主6.為確保顧客用餐品質及食品安全考量,僅提供全熟餐點外帶訂位完成後,若需調整人數或是更改用餐時間請撥打電話至門市確認本餐廳為開放空間,故禁帶寵物入內,敬請見諒-店休資訊:依官方臉書為主-使用線上訂位,無故未到並無提前告知店家3次(含)以上,將無法用此系統進行訂位
Foto del ristorante 毛房蔥柚鍋 ·冷藏肉專門
Prezzo: moderato
• Giapponese (Shabu-Shabu) • East District
您好,おかえりなさい毛房 蔥柚鍋 ·冷藏肉專門歡迎您!🍲冷藏肉是毛房的驕傲,將好的食材透過餐桌傳遞給您們最真的鮮,是與自然共生,無毒零添加!🌳 🌳 🌳 訂 位 須 知 🌳 🌳 🌳營業時間:11:30~14:00 | 17:30~21:00 電 話: 06-2098199地 址: 701台南市東區府東街148號⚠️訂位10位(含以上),每位酌收200元訂金。
訂位保留10分鐘,逾時即取消訂位資格,不再另行通知,亦不退還訂金。用餐時間:平日不限時/假日2小時(以下時段除外)假日以下時段用餐時間1.5HR午間13:40-15:10(用餐1.5HR)13:50-15:20(用餐1.5HR)晚間19:40-21:10(用餐1.5HR)19:50-21:20(用餐1.5HR)*如訂位系統已顯示客滿,歡迎致電預約訂位!*若無適合之人數座位可來電訂位。*現場皆有保留部分座位,歡迎前來現場登記候位。*線上訂位無法指定位子,可能會有併桌、安排高腳椅座位區的情況,介意者可來電告知。*如有特殊需求Ex. 生日慶生、長者、行動不便者、兒童椅 請備註說明。*內用低消每人$200。歡迎您❤️
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